Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 9

Woke up at an early 7:00. Breakfast was at 8:00 am. We had cinnamon rolls.
Stored oir luggage in the bus and set off for Anchorage. We drove for hours when we stopped for food at a Subway. Then back on the road. We went to a flea market and a couple of shops.
Then off to the Moose's Tooth for pizza.

After pizza we headed to the airport. Got through security. After 3 people in our group got randomly selected for extra screening. Got on our red-eye special plane to Chicago.

Landed safely in Chicago and got our luggage. The church bus picked us up and our three hour trip back home began. Most fell a sleep before the 10 minute mark. As we pulled into the church parking lot a group came and met us. We are now home and miss Alaska.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 8

We got to sleep in today. Breakfast was warmed up pancakes and sausages with cereal.
Then we waited a few hours and ate lunch. After lunch we went to NOVA, which is a river rafting company, got suited up in dry suits and got in the water. The water was a balmy 33°. We had quite a lot of fun as some of the waves were over the height of the boat. No one fell in but some jumped in when they were allowed.
After the 12 mile rapids ride we went back to camp and had dinner of pork steaks and boiled potatoes.
Then the group split up and some stayed at camp, some went back to the mines with flashlights, and some went to Walmart (not like we have those in MI).

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 7

Woke up to a bright sunny day. Did devotions about encouragement and making an impact.
After devotions was a breakfast of pancakes and mini sausages.

We then went to work. VBS had 11 kids show up. The story today was Hannah gets a baby. The kids enjoyed themselves.
Jeff's group went and painted. Cory's group painted the trim on the Gaga-ball ball court and then went to put a metal roof on another building.

The VBS/ community dinner went well. It was similar to a pot-luck. We ate for about an hour and then a family went up on stage and played music for another 30 minutes. After that the kids from VBS went to the stage and sang their songs and had a review of the memory verses and got small plush turtles.
As the party was breaking up the kids seen the gaga-ball court and started playing. We joined in but at a toned down level.

After the people left we went and had devotions around the fire for the night.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 6

Today was very similar to yesterday. It started with a clear, cold, sunny day. We went and read devotions and got ready for the day.
then we had a breakfast of french-toast with sausages.

Some of the youth group swapped construction with VBS and vice-versa.
For work Cory's group worked on painting the three story house. Ken's group worked on putting the last of the metal roofing on the shed. and Jeff's group finished building a lean-to for firewood.
VBS was again disappointed, with only 9 kids showing up.

After work we had dinner. Dinner was tacos. Then off to climb a mountain. We went to wishbone hill which is not a hill but a quite steep mountain. When we reached the top the group separated into two groups. One group went on a 4 hour hike to some waterfalls while the other group went to coyote lake to look for fossils and to go swimming.

Around 11 pm (3am in MI) we had a short devotion.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 5

We got up to a bright, cold, sunny morning. The morning went well with devotions and breakfast.

The work groups had fun. Cory's group assembled the Gaga-ball boundary after taking it apart to paint it and then went and painted a 3 story house. Jeff's group built a lean-to out of logs for a wood shed. While Ken's group went and replaced a metal roof on a small shed. VBS told the story of Jonah and the Whale. Only 8 kids showed up today so pray for more tomorrow.

Then after work we went back to camp for dinner. Which was sloppy-joes.
After dinner some went and played Gaga-ball while others went to find a geocache that was near to camp. The geocachers found the prize, a little capsule about the size of a dime, which was a log of the people who found it before.

Devotions were about when times are bad how do you step up as a leader. We read James 1:2-8. During the devotions a bush plane went and flew low over the strech of river that we are on.

We then headed for bed for the night.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 4

Another overcast, rainy morning of doing devotions before God. Most of us were under the canopy but a few were determined to do their devotions in the rain.
We then broke for a breakfast of pancakes and sausage.
Then off to work we go. VBS left for PandaMania while Cory's team painted the Gaga-ball court, a bright blueish color and they plan to put bible verses on it when it dries, Ken's group ran electrical for a building near the church, and Jeff's group became a mover team for cement blocks and cleared brush. The VBS group was praying for more members and God gave. They had a total of 13 kids today.

After a potato bar dinner we set off for the gold mine since the mountain was extremely muddy. Most of the climb was straight up, climbing on all fours, and scampering over rocks to get to the mine shafts 2 miles higher. Ten people went in to one of the shafts and then realized that none of them had a flash light. Cory came to the rescue with a flashlight app on his phone. So on we went, until the battery on Cory's phone died. Then we returned to the bus in a fraction of the time it took us to climb the mountain.

When we returned to camp we had evening devotions. We read Mark 12:8-34 and Psalm 119:9-16. Then we talked about what it means to love God with all your life.

Monday, July 18, 2011

New Link

On the right of the page under the currents in Alaska is a new link to the pictures page and videos page. Click on the picture to view a larger version.

Day 3

Woke up early to an overcast rainy sky, but got right to work on our devotions.
About an hour later was a breakfast of french toast and sausage. Then off to work. Cory and some of the leaders split us up and assigned us to work groups. One group went and assisted with installing a metal roof on a shed. While an other stayed at camp and built a octagon shaped border for the game Gaga-ball. The group that was assigned to VBS went and got ready for their day.
We broke of lunch. It consisted of grilled cheese and mac & cheese for the workers and hot dogs for the VBS helpers.
The turnout at VBS wasn't the greatest with only 9 kids. They still had fun though.
Then off to work again for the afternoon.

Tonight we played Gaga-ball. It is a game were you take a soccer ball and hit it with your hand at another person and try to hit them in the legs or feet. If it hits them then they are out. Everyone had fun and even the leaders joined in.
A round of Gaga-ball was posted under the video link on the right side.

After we were exhausted from playing Gaga-ball we went an did our group devotions. We talked about Christ being the cornerstone of our life and read Matthew 6:25-34.
Then most of us turned in for the night.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 2

Woke up early in the morning to do devotions and pay attention to God. We can hear the river gurgle as it runs past.

Around 9 AM the staff served breakfast which consisted of eggs, bacon, and toast. Everyone enjoyed it.

Then at 11 AM Alaska time (3 PM in Michigan) we went to church. The people involved in VBS stayed behind and set up PandaMania (our theme for VBS). While the others went out to town to pass out fliers for people to come.

Around 2 pm we headed back to camp for lunch which was grilled cheese and ether tomato soup or chicken noodle.

Directly after that we went to the glacier and spent several hours on it. Many people fell down, including our fearless leaders, but no one was hurt. It was quite chilly out on the ice.

When we got back to camp after walking on ice we had dinner. They served hotdogs and hamburgers.

Then at 10:30 pm we had group devotions and then lights out at 11:30 even though it is never completely dark.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 1

On our way to Alaska.

Everyone looks tired from the 4:30 am departure time from the ORC.
Stopped at McDonalds for breakfast.

Got through security and waiting for the plane to start boarding. Everyone is excited for the trip.

Arrived at Anchorage current time is 1:08. The flight was 6 hours long. Excitement on seeing the mountains. Now a two hour bus trip to Eaglecrest.

Arrived at Eaglecrest and set up our sleeping areas. Then had dinner and a group Devotional, during which a sudden rain storm happened right at the end of it. A double rainbow appeared as a testament of God's glory.

Tomorrow is a day full of fun and excitement.

- Katelyn Brouwer
"Except for the fact that I was running on 3 and a half hours of sleep, my day was awesome.
After the drive to Chicago, we boarded the plane. everything went smoothly and we arrived in Anchorage early, which was rather exciting news! Then we found our mission leaders and started the drive to the camp. Although the camp was a little different than I was expecting. I was still excited to finally be there. Once we arrived, we just soaked in the awesome weather, and enjoyed God's wonderful creation. Overall, the day was enjoyable and everything went well."

NOTE: will update when I can.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Daily Schedule:
7:30-8:15 am. Devotions/ Quiet Time
8:30-9:00 am. Breakfast
9:00-9:15 am. Prepare for work
9:30-12:30 pm. Work Teams/ VBS
12:30-1:00 pm. Lunch
1:00-1:30 pm. Prayer Group
1:30-4:30 pm. Work Teams/ VBS
4:30-5:30 pm. Free Time/ Showers
5:30-6:30 pm. Dinner
6:30-9:00 pm. Evening recreational activities
9:30-??? pm. Evening devotion session, Camp Fire
???-11:30 pm. Free Time
11:30 pm. Lights Out