Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 3

Woke up early to an overcast rainy sky, but got right to work on our devotions.
About an hour later was a breakfast of french toast and sausage. Then off to work. Cory and some of the leaders split us up and assigned us to work groups. One group went and assisted with installing a metal roof on a shed. While an other stayed at camp and built a octagon shaped border for the game Gaga-ball. The group that was assigned to VBS went and got ready for their day.
We broke of lunch. It consisted of grilled cheese and mac & cheese for the workers and hot dogs for the VBS helpers.
The turnout at VBS wasn't the greatest with only 9 kids. They still had fun though.
Then off to work again for the afternoon.

Tonight we played Gaga-ball. It is a game were you take a soccer ball and hit it with your hand at another person and try to hit them in the legs or feet. If it hits them then they are out. Everyone had fun and even the leaders joined in.
A round of Gaga-ball was posted under the video link on the right side.

After we were exhausted from playing Gaga-ball we went an did our group devotions. We talked about Christ being the cornerstone of our life and read Matthew 6:25-34.
Then most of us turned in for the night.


  1. sounds like you are getting your 3 squares a day, what else are you doing?

  2. Going to explore, working in the community, and VBS.
